So Happy Together
No more socks knitted apart, my socks will always be knit together from this day forward. During my biz trip to Dallas, I taught myself to knit 2 socks at the same time on circular neddles. I am so thankful for I found a sock pattern in the archives that gave instructions for 2 socks knitted at the same time. I simplified the pattern to a 3X1 rib, so I could just concentrate on the 2 sock deal. It was a bit crazy at the beginning with needles, skeins and yarn ends going ever which way. About half way through the leg portion I started to get the hang of it. This technique is so fast!
I also finished my matches to the pairs already started.
A colorful Fortissmo Jacquard pair...
...and a Hot Pink Broadripple pair. I really like the broadripple pattern and the cotton softness of the cascade fixation yarn. I am so psyched that my lys has started to stock this yarn. It will be great for spring/summer knitting.